Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Summary Of Chapter Twelve Of The Omnivore s Dilemma
Reading Summary/Discussion Questions #3 This past week of class we were to read chapters ten through fourteen of The Omnivore’s Dilemma. This week’s readings were really a mix of different things, but it was a more behind the scenes look at what happens on a farm. I found it all very interesting, as I have this entire book, because often times I do not know what all goes into farming and it was interesting to see how it traveled from Polyface Farms to the market to a meal. In chapters ten and eleven, Pollan continues to observe Salatin’s Polyface Farm where he focuses on his agricultural practice. In chapter thirteen, Pollan views how Salatin sells his food and his beliefs behind agriculture. Finally, chapter twelve deals with the†¦show more content†¦On the contrary, the U.S. Department of Agriculture believes in fence-to-fence sowing, so there are really no trees. Pollan points out that this type of agriculture has many problems and many of these lead to disease. Unfortunately, this agriculture has been stripped of its wisdom and intelligence. Even Salatin points out that rural schools encourage the smarter ones to go to college and the low-scoring students stay behind to help on the farm. Basically, â€Å"it’s a foolish culture that entrusts its food supply to simpletons†(Pollan 221). Coming from a rural school, I see this being true, but I also have to disagree with Salatin because they may not be the smartest, but they sure do know a lot about corn. The second section to be reviewed is chapter thirteen. In this chapter, Pollan sees how Salatin sells his food and how it compares to other supermarkets. Compared to other supermarkets, Polyface Farm’s food is more expensive; however, Salatin argues that it is actually, if fact, cheaper. He believes that because it is produced without subsidies and it is more sustainable compared to industrial food. Consumers also have a reason for choosing Salat in’s food over other supermarkets. They believe that his chicken tastes better and would rather pay for quality, which it seems many people do not want to do today. For example, I work at a farmer’s market and you would not believe how many people complain
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
George Orwell s Animal Farm - 872 Words
Introduction: We live in a world where thriving on power seeks to corrupt us all. We may not think so, but it’s happening all around us. Animal Farm was published in 1945 by famous author George Orwell. An intriguing and tragic fable in which demonstrates the impossible battle of totalitarian regime in hope of creating a world of equality. A politically satire novel that expresses social messages that have occurred during the Russian Revolution and which are still relevant in today’s society. During this presentation we will be explicitly recognising the impacts of corruption and its ability to manipulate anyone! That’s right anyone! So come join us as we explore George Orwell’s historical perspective on how society can endlessly try fight†¦show more content†¦This problem is a global epidemic that was issued from the beginning of time and yet still continues to grow to this day. Hey Phillip, do you think I have the potential to be a kind and caring leader? (Ph illip says no) *I give money/ food* (Phillip says yes). Just like that leaders from across the world earn their spot by giving out fraudulent information that is confirmed to be supposedly correct by bribed victims. Animal Farm replicates these exact messages through the impersonation of Napoleon. The leader of Animal Farm who used propaganda to corrupt his communists. For instance, if there was any disturbance between the animals and Napoleon, the phrase â€Å"surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones back†would be frequently used to haunt and convince any animal to change their mind. Well it was either that or have your limbs torn off by nine vicious man-eating dogs. George Orwell has successfully disguised corruption into a tragic tale in which demonstrates how just like animals we are effortlessly fooled into thinking something right to what is actually horribly wrong. Body2: Many of Animal Farm’s themes satirize social and emotional morals in which affect us all. Tyranny and propaganda are successfully developed throughout the novel to emphasise Napoleon’s prominence. The key to Napoleon’s reign of power was
Monday, December 9, 2019
Development of Social Media
Question: Discuss about the Development of Social Media. Answer: Social media and Hospitality Industry Nowadays the development of social media has helped many business organizations to run their business socially by providing advertisement in social media. There are millions of users that are going through these sites regularly. Recently one of the most popular industries is growing with the help of social media and that is the hospitality industry. This industry is creating a new foundation in the market as the concept of social media helps to promote the brand name of the industry (Choi et al., 2015). In recent time the company is getting a huge response from the customers as they are provided with a full awareness of their products. Through a proper research, it can be said that social media is the place where we one can communicate with the customers and at the same time develop a good relationship with the help of its communication skills (Aaker, Kumar and Day, 1998). With the help of the social media, the organization can always be in touch with the customers and they can fulfi ll the queries instantly if any such queries take place. Facebook is the biggest social media interface in todays world with over 130 million users and if someone clicks a photo in the hotel and uploads it in Facebook, it would thus become highlighted and will automatically increase the brand value of the hotel. So the hospitality organization is adopting a new method of doing business as they are trying to develop business by the help of social media (Evans and Berman, 1982). Just like other places, there are not too many hotels and it is very hard for the tourist to search for a good hotel and by the help of social media these consumers can easily search for a good hotel at their budget without any problem. Role of social media Social media can be used in different ways depending on who is the one using and how it has been used for better results. Social media works with the help of the Internet and web-based tools which helps to publish information and videos (Guesalaga, 2016). According to the case study, we can give a review that social media marketing is a growing trend nowadays. The people who are working in the hospitality management should keep the benefits of the social media. The way social media is emerging, after few years it will be a part of our daily life. Online marketing has played a great role by using social media and the same strategy is used by the hospitality industry to expand their business (Singh, 2016). In hospitality industry each hotel is different and each hotel should take the step to promote themselves in social media like twitter Facebook, YouTube and corporate pages where high standard businessman as exquisite families follow. There are some international hospitality industries that prefer only some social media for their mode of advertisement (Good and Schultz, 1997). If hotel industry does not use any social media to approach the outer world then they are missing out a huge opportunity to grow their business and they cannot earn a huge name in the market because nowadays digital marketing is the main source of advertising. To stay in the perfect competition market, the hotel has to participate in various online discussion, seminars, and podcasts. Effectiveness of social media on hospitality industry The hospitality industry has managed to understand the effectiveness of social media use (Filiatrault and Lapierre, 1997). There are many advantages of using social media concept as it provides low-cost investment, direct communication with the clients and many more. By the help of social media, the verbal communication is also allowed with the clients. Social media acts as a direct communication method which allows two-way communications between the customers and the organization (Motameni and Nordstrom, 2014). There may be a question why the hospitality industry is using Facebook marketing. This is because Facebook is the main part of social media as it has 130 million users. As a researcher said that the users will increase by the end of this year. To promote itself, the hotel does not need to have a Facebook id as the hotel itself is a brand (Kerin, 2006). They also need to have a page where people can visit and go through their ads. The Facebook page should be customer friendly and it should be well decorated with hotel photos that will attract many customers and it will make an urge to know more which will result in better communication. Another form of broadcasting information is YouTube. YouTube provide videos in the social world where the hotel can upload their videos of rooms as well as parties to attract the customers. Nowadays people are resourceful and they have much knowledge about the hotel pages and videos on YouTube so they can select their hotels and they can plan their holidays as per their choices. Hotels with high brand value should continue their business and they should give healthy offers to the customers, so that more customers will be attracted and they can establish successful online business (Kotler, Jain and Suvit Maesincee, 2002). Social media and Brand loyalty The hotels should provide proper awareness at the time of online booking so that the customers should have proper faith on them. The management is the main pillar of the organization so the management should work according to the brand loyalty. It is also important to note down that the management should use proper way of the social media (McDonald, 1999). But on the other, there are many hotels which lack in resources as they dont have an employee to update images in social media and they even cannot communicate with the customers (Sharma, 2014). These hotels lack in customer service and they lose many customers. Many hotels lack proper customer care support to assist there customers in a better manner. This information are gathered from the findings of the research and also from the reviews provided by the customers. Customer satisfaction The hotel should provide schemes as they should offer some gift vouchers to attract customers. They should provide a holiday for the customers as a grand prize. They should also arrange a competition for its customers and all the information should be updated in the Facebook pages so that the customers should be well informed and most of the customers can join the competition. The winner of the competition should be given a holiday trip package in the hotel to attract customers. As many customers come to the competition, the more will be the brand value of the hotel. The officials must also make sure that the crowd is provided with proper service so that the image of the hotel is built and they provide good reviews to other people about the hotel (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006). The customer should be provided with proper increase brand awareness so the sale volume will increase. References Aaker, D., Kumar, V. and Day, G. (1998). Marketing research. New York: Wiley. Choi, E., Fowler, D., Goh, B. and Yuan, J. (2015). Social Media Marketing: Applying the Uses and Gratifications Theory in the Hotel Industry. Journal of Hospitality Marketing Management, pp.1-26. Evans, J. and Berman, B. (1982). Marketing. New York: Macmillan. Filiatrault, P. and Lapierre, J. (1997). Managing business-to-business marketing relationships in consulting engineering firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(2), pp.213-222. Good, D. and Schultz, R. (1997). Technological teaming as a marketing strategy. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(5), pp.413-422. Guesalaga, R. (2016). The use of social media in sales: Individual and organizational antecedents, and the role of customer engagement in social media. Industrial Marketing Management, 54, pp.71-79. Kerin, R. (2006). Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of marketing. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kotler, P., Jain, D. and Suvit Maesincee, (2002). Marketing moves. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press. McDonald, M. (1999). Marketing plans. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Motameni, R. and Nordstrom, R. (2014). Correlating the Social Media Functionalities to Marketing Goals and Strategies. Journal of Marketing Management (JMM), 2(3 4). Sharma, A. and Sheth, J. (1997). Relationship marketing: An agenda for inquiry. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(2), pp.87-89. Sharma, M. (2014). An Exploratory Study on the Use of Social Media for Social Marketing. IRJMIS, 1(1), p.8. Singh, S. (2016). Role of Social Media Marketing Strategies on Customer Perception. ANVESHAK-International Journal of Management, 5(2). Taghian, M. (2010). Marketing planning: Operationalising the market orientation strategy. Journal of Marketing Management, 26(9-10), pp.825-841.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Importance Of Animal Testing Essays - HIVAIDS, Lentiviruses
The Importance of Animal Testing Research on animals is important in understanding diseases and developing ways to prevent them. The polio vaccine, kidney transplants, and heart surgery techniques have all been developed with the help of animal research. Through increased efforts by the scientific community, effective treatments for diabetes, diphtheria, and other diseases have been developed with animal testing. Animal research has brought a dramatic progress into medicine. With the help of animal research, smallpox has been wiped out worldwide. Micro-surgery to reattach hearts, lungs, and other transplants are all possible because of animal research. Since the turn of the century, animal research has helped increase our life-span by nearly 28 years. And now, animal research is leading to dramatic progress against AIDS and Alzheimer's disease. Working with animals in research is necessary. Scientists need to test medical treatments for effectiveness and test new drugs for safety before beginning human testing. Small animals, usually rats, are used to determine the possible side effects of new drugs. After animal tests have proven the safety of new drugs, patients asked to participate in further studies can be assured that they may fare better, and will not do worse than if they were given standard treatment or no treatment. New surgical techniques first must be carefully developed and tested in living, breathing, whole organ systems with pulmonary and circulatory systems much like ours. The doctors who perform today's delicate cardiac, ear, eye, pulmonary and brain surgeries, as well as doctors in training, must develop the necessary skills before patients' lives are entrusted to their care. Neither computer models, cell cultures, nor artificial substances can simulate flesh, muscle, blood, and organs like the ones in live animals. There is no alternative to animal research. Living systems are complex. The nervous system, blood and brain chemistry, and gland secretions are all interrelated. It is impossible to explore, explain or predict the course of many diseases or the effects of many treatments without observing and testing the entire living system. Cell and tissue cultures, often suggested as "alternatives" to using animals, have been used in medical research for many years. But these are only isolated tests. And isolated tests will yield only isolated results, which may bear little relation to a whole living system. Scientists do not yet know enough about living systems or diseases, nor does the technology exist, to replicate one on a computer. The information required to build a true computer model in the future will be based on data drawn from today's animal studies. Primates represent only about 1/3 of 1 percent of animals in research. But during the last half century, research using primates has led to major medical breakthroughs, most notably in the treatment of polio and Rh disease. Vaccines have reduced the cases of polio in the U.S. from 58,000 to one or two a year at present. Scientists are learning how the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) works by studying its non-human primate counterpart, the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) in monkeys. The SIV model is useful in testing drugs for AIDS. In addition, the HIV virus survives in certain kinds of monkeys and although it does not kill the animals, it can be removed from them. This may prove useful in testing an AIDS vaccine. Researchers are studying rhesus macaque monkeys to explore ways to reduce multiple organ failure following hypotensive shock, a loss of blood pressure due to loss of blood. Researchers have hypothesized that damage to the organs occur within the first few minutes after blood flow is reestablished, when a certain kind of white blood cell attaches to walls of blood vessels and releases toxic substances. The researchers reasoned that if, just before blood flow is reestablished, a substance that prevents the white blood cells from attaching to the vessel walls were injected into the blood stream, it might prevent the release of their toxic contents and avoid multiple organ damage. It is expected that this new technique will prove effective in human patients. Researchers are studying obesity in monkeys in hopes of finding a way to control body weight. Scientist are also using monkeys to study Taurine deficiency, which causes vision problems, and zinc deficiency, which causes growth retardation among infants and fetuses. Researchers are
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